CD1 State Central Committee Candidates (Delegates)


1. Cathy Albro

Cathy Albro


Bio: Educator, small business owner, now small farmer, candidate for Congress 2018, State House 2022 & 2024, Chair of MDP Rural Caucus 2019-2023

Campaign Elevator Pitch: It’s time for the Democratic Party to walk their talk & really work for the people, using a democratic process. We can achieve so much like a health care system that works for all, clean energy, high quality education-including childcare & post high school, campaign finance reform. We must put an end to bribery & corruption. Genocide must be called out & stopped. I will work for a democratic Democratic Party, a Party that will attract people who have turned their backs.

Detailed Campaign Statement: I have been active as a Democrat and volunteering for the Party for 8 years. I have seen the underbelly personally and its not what some people think. Leadership treats some people (for unknown reasons) as if they don’t matter-and worse-our work is sabotaged and we are retaliated against. If the Democratic Party is to succeed in Michigan and throughout the country, it must change and become the Party that truly represents and cares about the people. As long as corporations and the wealthy make the calls for the Party, we are doomed.

We are all in this together. We only have two major political parties, so if we are to succeed in the short term, we must choose one. My values and passions align with Democrats and that is the Party I choose to invest my time and talents to improve.

If we expect to win elections, we must show the people in our communities that Democrats are the ones they can rely on to make their lives better. We must take the time to understand and get to know what that means. The future of the Party -and our country- lies in the hands of younger people. We are in a critical period to welcome them and support their leadership.

I hope to be elected to the State Central Committee-as the governing body of MDP, to help form that Democratic Party where more people will say “Yeah, this Party represents me”.


2. Jamie Mills

Jamie Mills

Short Bio: I have been an Employee Benefits Health Care Consultant for 40 years. I owned a consulting firm, Mills Benefit Group, where my employees and I designed employee benefit plans for large employers throughout Michigan. We specialized in design of self-funded health plans working with employers to provide exceptional benefits, wellness initiatives and patient advocacy. I sold the business in 2013 but continued consulting with emphasis on patient advocacy, helping those with serious illness, navigate an unnavigable system.

Campaign Elevator Pitch: We can change our healthcare system for the benefit of our citizens and not the benefit of pharmaceutical companies, hospital conglomerates and insurance carriers, without jeopardizing research, development, clinical trials and patient advocacy.

Detailed Campaign Statement: I support Democratic candidates in the State of Michigan. Our diversity is what makes us great. I understand it takes significant revenue to run a campaign and to win an election. But we cannot as a Party be tone deaf to the communities and people who cannot contribute. They deserve the same commitment from the leadership that their voice be heard and their votes counted. We have diverse and common goals as each of us is unique. But if we do not work together, we will continue to lose elections with dire consequences as we now see.

3. Lena Thompson

Lena Thompson

Short Bio: 2016 DNC Platform Committee member, CD 13 Delegate until I moved, then Executive Committee member until 2024

Campaign Elevator Pitch: MDP needs to be the party for the People

4. Jennie Hoffmann

Jennie Hoffmann


Short Bio: I am running to show my support of MISOLIDARITY. I have been the Mackinac County Democratic Committee Chair for the last 6 years. I will be the Vice-Chair going forward into 2025. It has been a real challenge to get members of our community to identify as Democrats let alone be active MDP members. I offer to do what I can, as we attempt to fight for our Democracy.

Campaign Elevator Pitch: ONWARD

Detailed Campaign Statement: MISOLIDARITY has done such great work for many years. My first MDP Convention was to vote for Dana Nessel to be the Democratic candidate for MI Attorney General. I am reminded everyday (well most every day) of what good can be accomplished when we support/vote for great candidates. She was the outside/progressive candidate at the time. I want the MISOLIDARITY slate to be fully loaded. I live in CD1 and see too many empty spots, so I am submitting my name. I hope we can continue to make ‘good trouble.’

5. Elizabeth Benyi

Short Bio: Serve on the board of League of Women Voters Copper Country, member of Michigan Clinicians for Climate Action, active in Voters Not Politicians, Physician (DO)


1. Mark Sommers

Mark Sommers


Bio: Served for 35 Years as Head of Staff for faith based non-profit organizations. Hold a doctorate in organizational turn arounds, and specialize in organizational renewal. Ran for the Emmet County Board of Commissioners / First District.

Campaign Elevator Pitch: I have a passion / background in helping organizations develop and execute a clear sense of purpose and mission and a clear strategy for setting and reaching organization objectives

Detailed Campaign StatementI am willing to serve where ever my skillset in organizational renewal can serve our greater cause. I believe that we as a Democratic Party in the state of Michigan are sorely in need of clarity of purpose, strategy and messaging in order to connect / reconnect with the voting public in our state and win elections. Now is the time to revitalize our State Democratic Party and make it much easier for people to become involved in common mission as we prepare for mid term elections

2. Brian Fenlon

Brian Fenlon


Short Bio: Traverse City born, NMC graduate (ASA), Ferris State University graduate (BSW) Social Democrat, Precinct Delegate

Campaign Elevator Pitch: As a SCC Delegate I will use my voice to address the issues our party faces head on.
The time has come for all of our voices to be heard, not just the wealthy and well connected.

Detailed Campaign Statement: The current status quo has poorly served most Michiganders, and I refuse to be a part of business as usual. We should be using the resources we have to advance the Michigan Solidarity Coalitions priorities and empower all of our communities to fight for change.

Congressional District 1 will elect a Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, and Secretary, as well as at least 15 District Committee members at the February 22nd, 2025 State Convention.

CD1 will also elect 14 Delegates and 14 Alternates to the MDP State Central Committee. These will be divided as evenly as possible between male and female candidates. Non-binary candidates are counted first and their numbers subtracted from the 14, then the remainder will be divided as evenly as possible between male and female to approximate gender balance. The non-binary people The candidates will be divided into four (4) slates. One slate called the “male” Delegate Slate will consist of the male candidates for Delegate plus the non-binary candidates who choose to run on the “male” slate. Similarly for the “male” Alternate Slate, and “female” Delegate and Alternate Slates.