Congressional District 6 will elect a Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, and Secretary, as well as at least 15 District Committee members at the February 22nd, 2025 State Convention.

CD6 will also elect 20 Delegates and 20 Alternates to the MDP State Central Committee. These will be divided as evenly as possible between male and female candidates. Non-binary candidates are counted first and their numbers subtracted from the 20, then the remainder will be divided as evenly as possible between male and female to approximate gender balance. The non-binary people The candidates will be divided into four (4) slates. One slate called the “male” Delegate Slate will consist of the male candidates for Delegate plus the non-binary candidates who choose to run on the “male” slate. Similarly for the “male” Alternate Slate, and “female” Delegate and Alternate Slates.

No candidates for CD6 are currently running on the Solidarity Coalition Slate.