Each Congressional District will elect a Chair, at least one Vice-Chair, a Secretary, and a Treasurer, as well as a District Committee. Per MDP Bylaws, candidates for Chair and Vice-Chair(s) of Congressional Districts must file with the MDP to run for office by January 23rd, 2025. Candidates for other Congressional District positions need not file in advance.

MDP Bylaws 2.15

All party members seeking election to high-level office within the MDP shall be required to file their candidacy with the MDP at least 30 days in advance of the election. Requirements for filing shall include: Name, address, phone number, email address, and other contact information. The MDP shall be required to promptly publish all information required for filing on its website. “High-level office” within the MDP shall be defined, for the purposes of this section, to include the following positions: DNC member, MDP Chair, MDP Vice-Chair, MDP Treasurer, MDP Secretary, and Chair and Vice-Chair for all congressional district organization.

To run in the Michigan Solidarity Coalition Primary, you must join the MSC and fill out the candidate information form by January 19th, 2025.

The Chair and Vice-Chair of any unit of the Party, such as a Congressional District, must be of different genders.

MDP Bylaws 2.13
The Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson of any unit, Committee, Caucus or Convention of the MDP, shall be of a different gender.

Click on your Congressional District to see your candidates below:

Coming soon