MDP Chair Candidate: Al Williams
Al Williams Jr. is a true son of Detroit.
He grew up in the district on Fairfield and went to Gesu Catholic School and U of D High School and Academy. His parents, Alfred and Sondra Williams, were educators who encouraged both their children to go to historically black colleges. Al graduated from Morehouse College in Atlanta with a degree in political science. His sister Staci graduated from Bennett College in Greensboro, N.C.
After graduating, Al embarked on a 20-year journey of political and community organizing in the African-American community. He founded Vote Smart Detroit, a voter registration and education program aimed at Detroit Public School students. Al also co-founded and became chairman of the Midtown Democrats, a group of politically active young leaders that energized the Wayne State Campus and Democrats across southeastern Michigan. He helped coordinate massive student-powered efforts throughout the country, including organizing over 900 students in support of victims affected by Hurricane Katrina.
Al was the first of 1,100 applicants selected to participate in the first Obama Organizing Fellows Program and led the winning team as the campaign manager in the program.
Williams has worked for state legislators in Georgia, New Jersey and Michigan, and helped move policies impacting urban communities around insurance redlining, healthcare policies, public education, and the environment. Al worked as a legislative aide to the Wayne County Commission, where he was influential in advocating for the continued funding of the Michigan State Fair Grounds and to restore revenue sharing to Detroit.
Al Williams fights for Detroit. When Michigan’s economic crisis deepened, he worked as an organizer side-by-side with community members and many non-profit organizations to fight foreclosures throughout Detroit and the state. As a result, then-Wayne County Sheriff Warren Evans suspended foreclosure sales, saving hundreds of Detroiters from losing their homes.
Al went to work for the Detroit NAACP as a political organizer where he advocated on issues ranging from green and climate equity, education and voting rights. In 2012, he was the statewide Campaign Manager for the successful “No on Proposal 1” campaign to end the dictatorship of emergency managers in Michigan. Al and his team of over 3,000 volunteers won that campaign in the streets, but we lost the fight in the legislature.
In 2013 Al went to the Michigan Democratic Party as the Statewide Membership Director, where he successfully doubled membership in less than two years. He also served as a chief of staff to the Democratic Chair of Appropriations in the State House.
Living his message of public service, Al continues to write policy and serve as a campaign consultant for highly qualified office-seekers throughout the country.
As your state representative for the 3rd District, Al Williams will fight every day to make life better in the district throughout the city of Detroit and the State of Michigan.
Note: For more on Al, please visit
1st Vice Chair Candidate: April Osentoski
2nd Vice Chair Candidate: Mark Ludwig
Mark was born and raised in Michigan. His youth was spent assisting his parents during the early days of the environmental movement, studying Great Lakes water birds affected by industrial pollution. He settled in Allegan County’s Clyde Township in 2005 with his wife Kim. In 2010 they adopted their daughter from Ethiopia. Mark served on the Fennville Public School Board, Clyde Township Planning Commission and currently serves as Chair of the Allegan Conservation District Board of Directors. He was the founding Vice Chair of the Michigan Democratic Party Rural Caucus and currently chairs that body. He is in his third term on the MDP State Central Committee. He ran for State House and Drain Commissioner in recent years. Mark was honored to chair the 2024 Nominating Convention Resolutions Committee. Mark graduated from Michigan State with a degree in Environmental Issues and has a Short Course Degree from the University of Wisconsin at Madison in Grass Based Dairy farming.
3rd Vice Chair Candidate: Joshua Feinstein
Joshua Feinstein is an Jewish American Peace Activist. Over the past decade Joshua has gradually become a leading voice for non-Zionist Jews and has established very deep roots within the Michigan State community. In his quest to reform the Democratic party, he is inspired by the words of the late great Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. ‘Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.’ As such, Joshua envisions a future MDP where humanity, equality, justice & dignity, are the norm – both at the community level, as well as, and in the halls of power of our State and our Nation.
4th Vice Chair Candidate: Farah Khan
Short Bio: My name is Farah Khan, and I am proud to represent Congressional District 11 (CD-11). For the past 14 years, I have been actively involved in community work at my local mosque, serving on various committees, including as Co-Chair of the Social Committee. I have worked alongside several organizations to rally against war, genocide, and for a Free Palestine. Currently, I serve as a Commissioner on the Farmington Hills Health Commission, the General Secretary of the Pakistan Association of America, and lead event planning for the American Center for Justice, a Yemeni organization advocating for justice in Yemen. I am running for the Michigan Democratic Party State Central Committee to ensure that our party remains committed to justice, equality, and inclusivity—values that should shape both our policies and our actions.
Campaign Elevator Pitch: My name is Farah Khan, I represent CD -11.
I have been deeply involved in pro-peace activism and the fight for human rights and justice. My advocacy has always centered on the belief that freedom, justice, and equality should be fundamental rights for all, not privileges for a few.
If elected, my focus will be on ensuring that these principles are upheld in every aspect of governance. I am committed to making life easier for everyday people by ensuring that resources and support are accessible to everyone – without any division based on color, race, religious beliefs or ethnicity. My goal is to build a system where fairness and justice are not just ideals but lived realities for all.
Let’s work together to create a future where no one is left behind!
Treasurer: Peter Peratsakis
Short Bio: Peter was born and raised in southeastern Michigan. Currently he resides in Oakland County’s District 11. He is the son of European immigrants which raised him and ingrained a strong, honest work ethic with strong democratic values.
Peter first supported the Michael Dukakis’s democratic presidential campaign in 1988 cold calling constituents. He has voted democrat for the last 3 decades.
Peter graduated in 1996 with a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineer and currently works as a software engineer in the automotive industry.
He is inspired to improve the Michigan democratic party by working together to get the party back representing the working class.
Parliamentarian: Liano Sharon
I’ve been a progressive activist involved in human rights, environmental, anti-war, prosocial, and pro-democracy movements since the early 1980s. I’ve been a democracy geek since I was about twelve. My degree is in mathematics and my career was in international business and cross-cultural communications. Democracy isn’t a luxury, it’s a necessary part of the fight against oppression, fascism, and totalitarianism. Democracy means one person one vote equal representation for all, at every level of decision making. In a large organization, like the MDP, most people don’t know each other. Having clear rules fairly enforced is the foundational basis for trust among strangers and acquaintances. To survive, we must grow the Party. Growing the Party means we must attract new members, who will necessarily be strangers to most. New members to the Democratic Party expect the Party to be fair and democratic. When we aren’t, they feel deceived, and leave. This is why Party membership fluctuates between around 8 and 10 thousand, except when progressives organize. As your parliamentarian, it will be my duty to (1) interpret the rules fairly as written, (2) ensure the rules are followed and fairly enforced, (3) provide the membership with education on the rules, (3) ensure every member knows how to contact a person trained on the rules, and (4) produce a procedures manual for the Party with step-by-step instructions for every process and procedure in the Party: a complete playbook for members explaining in detail how to perform every process of the Michigan Democratic Party according to the rules. Including details of preparations necessary and materials needed, such as for elections. Fair democratic rules, interpreted and enforced fairly guided by the principles of (1) equal representation for all members at all levels of Party decision making, and (2) proportional representation of all coalitions at every level of Party decision making.
The Michigan Democratic Party (MDP) will elect one (1) Chair and two (2) Vice-Chairs at the February 22nd, 2025 Convention.
Candidates for State Party Chair and Vice-Chairs must file to run with the MDP by January 23rd, 2025 per MDP Bylaws:
MDP Bylaws 2.15
All party members seeking election to high-level office within the MDP shall be required to file their candidacy with the MDP at least 30 days in advance of the election. Requirements for filing shall include: Name, address, phone number, email address, and other contact information. The MDP shall be required to promptly publish all information required for filing on its website. “High-level office” within the MDP shall be defined, for the purposes of this section, to include the following positions: DNC member, MDP Chair, MDP Vice-Chair, MDP Treasurer, MDP Secretary, and Chair and Vice-Chair for all congressional district organization.
To run in the Michigan Solidarity Coalition Primary, you must join the MSC and fill out the candidate information form by January 19th, 2025.
The two (2) Vice-Chairs to be elected by the State Convention must be of a different race and gender than the Chair.
MDP Bylaws 7.1.1
Election of Officers: The Spring State Convention in each odd-numbered year shall elect a Chairperson and two (2) Vice-Chairpersons of the State Central Committee: one (1) each of a different gender and race.